for print, copy and scanning


Agreement on payment for copying and printing services via the internet

About the terms
The following conditions are arranged for all transfers in connection with the payment service AHO internet payment for copy/print. The payment service will hereafter be referred to as the service. The service provider Norwegian School of Economics will henceforth be referred to using the abbreviation AHO. The payment terms are accepted by independent approval before the transfer of funds when using this service.
Use of the service
AHO offers the service to active students, employees or guests at AHO. Payment to the balance for printing is made by following the instructions given in the service. After completing the transaction, you will get the list of your transactions on the screen with the order's deposit amount together with a unique order number. This, together with the order number, is your receipt for the agreement on internet payment for copy and print services and must be given as a reference when contacting AHO.

Price information
AHO is responsible for the prices stated in the service being correctly stated in Norwegian kroner - NOK. Information about changes in the price of the service will be updated in the service itself and information about changes will be given through our usual information channels.

Payment terms
Payment when using this service is made by charging a Visa or a credit card. When charging a Visa or a credit card, there are no hidden fees or costs from AHO. Before you place your order, you will be able to see the total cost of your order in Norwegian kroner.

Delivery terms
Normal delivery time (execution of transfer) is immediately after you have approved your order.

Shortages and refunds
Deficiencies in the service caused by errors in any of our systems or from our service provider may give rise to a refund. In the event of a claim for reimbursement, we will require payment confirmation with an order number to be presented. Complaints/demands for refunds are addressed directly to the user support in the Service center, or by contacting Complaints must be made within a reasonable time after you should have become aware of the defect.

Personal information
AHO is responsible for the personal information you provide through the service. Your information is only used in connection with your order and our follow-up of you as a customer should any errors occur. Personal data can be used together with existing information in our systems in accordance with the Personal Data Act.

Overall regulations
This agreement is governed by the Consumer Purchase Act. The payment terms are assumed to be in accordance with the law.

The right of withdrawal applies in accordance with the Right of Withdrawal Act. The right of withdrawal applies for 14 days from the day you receive the item.

Read more about online shopping on the Consumer Council's website.